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...Introducing malicious programs into any network or server, such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, and key loggers. Intentionally or negligently injecting false data into the Internet, for instance in the...
...for example yourdomain.com.au, yourdomain*]}*.net.au and yourdomain.org.au then the direct domain becomes a contested domain. This is a rare situation but can happen. auDA has a search tool that can let...
...decrypted at the other. Even if someone could read the information they’ll just get gobbledegook without the key. OK. Why are we only doing this now? It’s getting easier In...
...to the top of the queue things get done quickly, without back and forth estimating costs only pay for the exact time we spend working for you with no rounding...
...for everyone Websites aren’t like printed documents – different browsers and operating systems display things in different ways. In the smartphone age responsive designs scale and change for different devices...
...maintain a WordPress website for you, then we included the WordFence security plugin as part of your site when we set it up. This plugin already protects the site against...
Short version: if we host your website we deal with all upgrades for you automatically. From time to time you may have noticed info in your WordPress admin dashboard about...
...Apps account → 2. Set up each of your email addresses in Google Apps Add user accounts in Google Apps → 3. Set up any forwarders you want Aliases (also...
...it remains consistent. It’s good practice to include the date in the filename. If you want to get super nerdy use the date in the format yyyymmdd so your documents...
...you just need to clear this and try again. The process varies depending on your operating system and browser – try this website for Mac or Windows instructions. Let us...
For some people, their site analytics are only a subject of interest to them. For others, analytics are a key performance indicator of how well their website is supporting their...
...approach is to feature prominently the main things people are looking for when they visit your site (or the things you want them to find) and put those in your...
If you haven’t moved to running your website over a secure connection with an SSL certificate yet now is well past time. Without this your visitors will get errors, search...
From 25 May 2018 Australian businesses of any size may need to comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your inbox has probably been flooded this past...
...people are trying to get to it at once, as anyone who’s tried to buy Splendour In The Grass tickets when they go on sale knows. This could well be...
...services like Google Apps. It’s pretty easy using the DNS system to set your domain name up so that it talks to one server for websites and another for emails....